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How is technology changing the healthcare sector?

0 Views· 07/04/24
18 Subscribers

Personal technology is paving the way for a new era for healthcare that is changing the way we make medical decisions and how we receive treatment. This video explains the rising trend of remote healthcare and how it has allowed for better administration of treatment for patients at their homes.

Harvard Business Review, Personalized Technology Will Shift the Doctor-Patient Relationship

Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, Emerging Patient-Driven Health Care Models: An Examination of Health Social Networks, Consumer Personalized Medicine and Quantified Self-Tracking, http://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/6/2/492/htm

Phys.Org, Digital natives push for personalized healthcare technology, http://phys.org/news/2015-11-d....igital-natives-perso

Rock Health, The Future of Personalized Healthcare: Predictive Analytics, https://rockhealth.com/reports..../predictive-analytic

The Wall Street Journal, How Telemedicine Is Transforming Health Care, http://www.wsj.com/articles/ho....w-telemedicine-is-tr

Healthy Debate, Telemedicine on the rise across Canada, http://healthydebate.ca/2015/0....6/topic/telemedicine

The King’s Fund, Transforming our health care system, https://www.kingsfund.org.uk/s....ites/files/kf/field/

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