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Wearable Technology in Healthcare
This is a video detailing one of the popular wearable technology trends in 2015: preventative healthcare. Want to learn more about medical software? Our free guide can get your started: http://search.technologyadvice.com/wearable-technology-study?utm_source=youtube.com&utm_medium=description&utm_content=wearable-technology-in-healthcare&utm_term=buyer&utm_campaign=explainer Patient-generated data can be used to improve preventative care strategies, monitor patient outcomes, and analyze overall trends in patient populations. We conducted a nationwide survey to provide you with a better understanding of the fitness/health tracking market and current obstacles in adoption: http://research.technologyadvice.com/wearable-technology-study/?utm_source=youtube.com&utm_medium=description&utm_content=wearable-technology-in-healthcare&utm_term=buyer&utm_campaign=explainer
Find the right medical platform that fits the needs of your work: http://technologyadvice.com/medical/smart-advisor/?utm_source=youtube.com&utm_medium=description&utm_content=wearable-technology-in-healthcare&utm_term=buyer&utm_campaign=explainer